To make a language training service office in Vietnam is not easy because it’s a conditional business lines. So what conditions will help foreign businesses open training centers in Vietnam? Let check with

Article 6. Director of a foreign language and computer training center
1. The director of a foreign language and computer training center shall directly manage the center and be answerable to the law and the supervisory authority for all activities of the center.
2. A person is eligible to become the director of a center when they satisfy all of the following requirements:
a) Possessing good records;
b) Possessing managerial capability;
c) Possessing a bachelor degree in a foreign language or a bachelor degree in any major and at least a level 3 certificate of language proficiency according to Vietnam’s language proficiency framework or equivalent (for directors of foreign language training centers).
Possessing a bachelor degree in computer science or a bachelor degree in any major and a basic IT application certificate according to the IT skills standards or equivalent in compliance with existing regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training and Ministry of Information and Communications (for directors of computer training centers).
Directors of foreign language and computer training centers shall satisfy either of the abovementioned requirements.
d) Possessing experience in education and training.
3. Directors of the centers are appointed by the authorities with competence in center establishment. The authorities with competence in granting permission for center establishment shall decide to recognize directors of private centers and foreign-invested centers. The tenure of a director of a foreign language and computer training center is 05 years.
Article 7. Duties and powers of director of a foreign language and computer training center
1. Formulating plans, organizing the fulfillment of the center’s duties, and supervising and evaluating such fulfillment.
2. Establishing specialized units and advisory councils and appointing the heads of such bodies according to the center’s regulations.
3. Managing teachers, officials, staff and learners of the center according to the regulations herein and relevant regulations of the law.
4. Deciding or proposing reward and penalty for managers, teachers, staff and learners within their competence.
5. Managing finance and property of the center according to regulations of the center establishment authority and regulations of the law.
6. Granting confirmations of completion of a foreign language/computer training program provided by the center and certificates of completion of a foreign language/computer training program when the center satisfies the conditions for exam organization and issuance of foreign language/computer science certificates specified by the Ministry of Education and Training.
7. Organizing selection or development, compilation, appraisal and promulgation of teaching programs and materials in a manner that meets learner’s needs.
8. Holding the right to attend classes to improve their professional knowledge and qualifications and being entitled to other regimes as prescribed by law.
Article 8. Deputy director of a foreign language and computer training center (if any)
1. The deputy director of a center shall assist the director in managing activities of the center; and possess good records, managerial capability, a bachelor degree in a foreign language, computer science or any major and a foreign language or computer science certificate.
2. The director shall request the authority with competence in center establishment to appoint the deputy director. The authority with competence in granting permission for center establishment shall decide to recognize the deputy director of a private center or foreign-invested center.
3. The tenure of the deputy director shall be the same as that of the director of the center.
Article 9. Duties and powers of deputy director of a foreign language and computer training center
1. The deputy director shall assist the director with managing activities of the center as assigned or authorized; take charge of some operations and perform the tasks assigned by the director.
2. The deputy director is answerable to the director and the law for the assigned tasks.
Article 10. Specialized units
1. Depending on the training scale and programs, the director of the center shall decide to establish specialized units affiliated to the center.
2. The director shall specify the tasks of each specialized unit.
Article 11. Advisory councils (if any)
Advisory councils shall be established per the decision of the director of the center. The director shall decide functions, duties, powers, operating time, quantity and organizational structure of advisory councils or propose such matters to the authority with competence in center establishment.
Article 12. Organizations of the Communist Party (if any) and internal organizations
1. Establishment and operation of organizations of the Communist Party of Vietnam in the centers shall comply with the Charter of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the Constitution and the law.
2. Establishment and operation of internal organizations in the centers shall comply with their respective Choruses and the law, and such organizations shall contribute to the fulfillment of their center’s duties.
Article 18. Position and standards of teachers
1. Teachers of foreign language and computer training centers are responsible for teaching and giving instructions on practice, and comprise tenured teachers, contract teachers, teachers being Vietnamese, teachers being native speakers (for each specific language) and foreigners.
2. A Vietnamese person is eligible for teaching computer science when they meet one of the following requirements:
a) Possessing at least a pedagogical college degree in computer science;
b) Possessing at least a college degree in computer science and a certificate in pedagogy.
3. A Vietnamese person is eligible for teaching a foreign language when they meet one of the following requirements:
a) Possessing at least a pedagogical college degree in the foreign language;
b) Possessing at least a college degree in the foreign language and a certificate in pedagogy.
4. A foreigner is eligible for teaching computer science when they possess at least a college degree in computer science and a suitable computer science teaching certificate.
5. A foreigner is eligible for teaching their native language when they possess at least a college degree and a suitable foreign language teaching certificate.
6. A foreigner is eligible for teaching a foreign language when they meet one of the following requirements:
a) Possessing at least a pedagogical college degree in the foreign language;
b) Possessing at least a college degree in the foreign language and a suitable foreign language teaching certificate;
c) Possessing at least a college degree, at least a level 5 certificate of language proficiency according to Vietnam’s language proficiency framework or equivalent and a suitable foreign language teaching certificate.
Base on THE GOVERNMENT no No. 46/2017/ND-CP
Article 49. Procedures and documentation requirements for educational operations of a foreign language and computer training center
1. Authority to license educational operations:
a) The Director of the Department of Education and Training shall be vested with authority to issue the decision on approval of educational operations of foreign language and computer training centers of the Department of Education and Training; those of the vocational education secondary schools; those of the organizations or individuals requesting permission for establishment; those of universities or colleges that are located outside the precincts of these universities or colleges; those of ministries, departments, social organizations and socio-professional associations based in his/her local jurisdiction;
b) The Director of a university, academy and Rector of a higher education institution shall be accorded authority to issue the decision to license educational operations of the foreign language and computer training center operating within the precincts of such university, academy and higher education institution.
2. The application package shall be composed of the followings:
a) The request form for the license to carry out educational operations;
b) The decision to establish the center issued by the competent person;
c) The statutes of educational operations of the center;
d) The report on office equipment, classrooms, practice rooms, training facilities, enclosing the written evidence of legal right to use land and house, sources of financing for operations of the center;
dd) Curriculum, syllabus and teaching materials;
e) The list of particulars of administrative officers and teachers involved in the training program;
g) Regulations on schooling fee and charge;
h) The certificate awarded students upon completion of a training program.
Dossier for carrying out the licensing procedure
According to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 49 of Decree 46/2017/ND-CP as amended by Decree 135/2018/ND-CP, an application for a license to establish a foreign language center includes:
a) A written request for an educational operation license;
b) A copy issued from the master book, a certified copy from the original or a copy enclosed with the original for comparison purposes of the decision on establishment of the center issued by a competent person;
c) Regulations on educational activities of the center;
d) Report on facilities, equipment, programs and teaching materials; management staff, teachers; documents proving the lawful use rights of land and houses; funding source to ensure the operation of the center (Certificate of bank account of the Company: at least 300 million to 500 million dong).
In fact, organizations and individuals wishing to establish a foreign language center need to prepare the following documents:
+ For organizations that are enterprises to establish foreign language centers
- A certified copy of the business registration certificate (with the profession of teaching foreign languages);
- Notarized lease or loan agreement for the head office where the center’s head office is located (at least 01 year from the time of application submission); Guaranteed area of 1.5m2 / 1 student). Area of 1 classroom 30m2;
- Certificate of fire prevention and fighting (self-made)
- A copy of the certificate of ownership of the house and land where the center is headquartered;
- List of teaching teachers; List of central staff;
- Sign labor contracts with the Center Director, teachers and other staff;
- Written confirmation of the local government agreeing to open the center (You must pay the cost of applying for a letter of approval)
+ For the center director
- A document certifying that the educational institution has worked in the education sector for at least 03 years or more in the position of educational consultant or teaching;
- A curriculum vitae with a 3×4 photo, certified by the People’s Committee of the ward where you live (Note that the working time in the resume must match the written confirmation of the working time);
- Certified copy of University Diploma in Foreign Languages or B1 Degree or other certificates
- Health certificate within the last 6 months;
- Certified copy of National Identity Card;
+ For teachers and staff of the language center
- For foreign language teachers, a minimum of 04 teachers is required (25 students/1 teacher/1 shift):
- Certified copy of college or university diploma in foreign language pedagogy (if there is no pedagogical major, a certificate of pedagogy is required);
- Certified copy of ID card;
- Current workplace;
- Labor records (Resumes, Health Certificate, Job application)
For other employees:
- Accountant: Certified copy of Diploma of relevant major and certified copy of ID card
- Consultants: Certified copies of university diplomas majoring in economics, commerce, foreign languages…; Certified copy of ID card;
- Treasurer: Certified copy of Diploma of relevant major; Certified copy of ID card
- Security: Certified copy of ID card; Labor records (Resumes, Health Certificate, Job application)
Note: All supporting documents must be valid within 6 months from the time of application submission.
Some other information to prepare:
- Full list of textbooks, documents and equipment for teaching, specifying which curriculum to use;
- Make a list of facilities: such as desks, chairs, tables, computers, projectors for teaching, Fire protection equipment on each floor…. (enclosed with information on the monetary value of facilities for cost calculation);
- Expected salary for teachers (specifically by hour/month/session);
- Expected collection of students’ tuition fees;
- Detailed content of the curriculum; lesson plan, test, final exam;
- Name of center, location of center, training scale, organizational structure, area of rooms. The center’s name includes “foreign language center” and “own name”. The proper name of the center must not coincide with the proper name of the previously established center. Do not use words or symbols that violate the historical, cultural, ethical, and fine traditions of the Vietnamese nation. .
Licensing procedures
- Step 1: Organizations and individuals send 01 set of documents directly or by post to the Department of Education and Training where the Foreign Language Center is located. In addition, organizations and individuals can also access the Online Portal to submit an online application.
- Step 2: Within 10 working days from the date of receipt of a complete and valid dossier, the application-receiving agency shall appraise and examine it according to regulations.
- Step 3: Within 05 working days, the Director of the Department of Education and Training shall issue a decision permitting the establishment of a foreign language center if all conditions are met. reason.
Pursuant to: Clause 3, Article 49 of Decree 46/2017/ND-CP as amended by Decree 135/2018/ND-CP.